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PAD 3733 Professional Administrative Writing in the Sector


Within this course I evaluated The Foundation Center , the organizations website and resources.  I was initially introduced in 2009 when I attended complimentary courses at the facility in Atlanta, Georgia, which led to the creation of my 501c3, The Share Your Hair Corporation.   With the tools  made readily available through The Foundation Center I was able to cleary articulate the company mission, goals, and objkectives.  Next, select a reputable Board of Directors and establish credible and maintainable bylaws.   After, compiling this information I was them able to apply directly to The IRS for 501c3 status and received prompt approval.  


With 501c3 status this allowed for grant research and requests to be initiated.  We were approved for our 1st round of funding within 12 months by Wells Fargo and have received continued support for over 10 years.  


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