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PAD 4325 Program Evaluation


Public & Nonprofit Organizations


Creating successful programs is definitely one of my "CORE STRENGTHS " and sets many apart because of the critical and creative thinking required in this niche area of public or nonprofit organizations.  Within my 501c3 Share Your Hair we have two programs , which do very well and have given us the ability to grow our brand and expand into multinational markets over the past 10 years with "Flocks of  Socks" and "Strides 4 Strands Children's Cancer Walks".


Within this course I was the Innovator and Leader of our group, which formed "The Overflow".  We were given the option to utilize an established NPO, but when the team heard the idea I suggested and the need it presented in the community we decided it would be in our best interest to start the project from scratch. This allowed us the opportunity to learn how to take an idea, develop areas of interest and implement the project .


I also created "Rent My Tent " a family friendly event at KOA Campgrounds to serve specific needs in the homeless population and the thousands of children affected in the region. By proposing to partner with school districts, along with (FIT) Families in Transition departments to ensure the target population would be served with financial assistance for residence, furniture, utilities, food, clothing by families who had transitioned through the program previously.  

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